stable coin - GaiaFi - Global Financial Protocol The Future of Digital Currency Wed, 19 Jul 2023 03:15:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 stable coin - GaiaFi - Global Financial Protocol 32 32 The Gaia Ecosystem Tue, 22 Jun 2021 06:08:30 +0000 GaiaPay is a Stable Asset-Backed Series of Cryptocurrencies that become more valuable as we collectively protect, preserve and restore the planet. This is an alternative to our present economic system that generates wealth from extracting the Planet’s many resources. GaiaPay makes it easy for people to “Do Well by Doing Good”, and at the same time building new wealth. GaiaPay…

The post The Gaia Ecosystem first appeared on GaiaFi - Global Financial Protocol.

GaiaPay is a Stable Asset-Backed Series of Cryptocurrencies that become more valuable as we collectively protect, preserve and restore the planet. This is an alternative to our present economic system that generates wealth from extracting the Planet’s many resources.

GaiaPay makes it easy for people to “Do Well by Doing Good”, and at the same time building new wealth. GaiaPay is anticipated to represent the largest deployment of Natural Capital Assets in the entire crypto space, with the goal of helping achieve the Enhanced Sustainable Development Goals (eSDG) by 2030.

We are developing an alternative, sustainable, economic platform called the “Living Economic System” that is built on our StarChain Blockchain System or the Gaia Nexus Universe (GNU), which is part of our super master cloud technology venture that you can learn about at It will strengthen existing economies while tracking the progress of the eSDG and Natural Capital Assets of countries that are part of the Gaia Global Treasury (GGT).

The Gaia Ecosystem will resemble the effort of the Natural Capital Accounting System (NCAS) idea used by the World Bank. We are modeling the Gaia Master Ledger System (GMLS) on a high-speed and scalable Quantum-chain technology using a modified version of Ethereum, which we call the GAIA Starchain Network with partner AuriCloud and other technology providers. We will be using Smart Contracts and DApps to calculate the total stocks and flows of natural resources and services in a given ecosystem or region.

A Natural Capital Declaration (NCD) was launched at the Rio+20 summit held in Brazil in June 2012. It values previously unaccounted for assets such as: living trees, fresh water lakes, rivers, ecosystem services and bioremediation. Using interfaces with NCAS and our GMLS, wealth can be generated by planting more trees, cleaning up the waters, protecting the animals, repopulating the oceans, saving pollinators, and restoring the climate.

The GaiaPay Ecosystem can enhance the economy of nations and is in alignment with indigenous values. We are also in the process of acquiring even more assets such as gold assets of Royal Families to back the GGT.

The fruits of the land can be monetized through a sponsorship program, encoded into Smart Contracts to generate Gaia Asset Tokens that are floated on our Gaia Exchange. From here, the tokens are exchangeable with the GaiaPay and Gaia Global Gold (GAu). As the Natural Capital Assets in the sanctuaries are restored, the value of the GGT can increase and support our eSDG programs.

The Gaia Ecosystem is a platform created by deploying our GMLS on the blockchain, through a series of inter-linked and interconnected smart contracts and DApps. We call this the StarChain. The platform is able to categorize, monitor, track and monetize the micro-changes in SDG metrics and our Natural Capital Assets, which is essential to restoring the Earth.

The GMLS makes the invisible values of nature become visible and have an intrinsic value. The StarChain is perfect for a large-scale implementation of the GMLS because it allows the tracking of micro-values, as well as providing transparency for the Global Commons. Global Commons is land that that falls outside national jurisdictions and is co-stewarded by a community, instead of a single owner.

GaiaPay creates coins for clients, as well as our own. These coins will also be created for countries and their reserves, such as Ghana_Tree, which is the entire country’s timber redirected to a coin. This asset can then be leveraged in our GVCX Platform for liquidity that can fund the humanitarian projects of the country, instead of selling the cut trees for timber.

We have treaties being negotiated with many African nations currently, as well as land pledged by indigenous nations, to be designated and protected by the Gaia Global Treasury. The fruits of the land can be monetized, categorized, and coded as assets into the GVCX System to back the value of Natural Reserves and Asset Backed Stable Coins.

The post The Gaia Ecosystem first appeared on GaiaFi - Global Financial Protocol.
