From Nov 11 until Dec 22, if you would like to purchase GAu and store it in our Custodial Wallet, autolocked for a minimum of 6 months, you will receive GAu at 10-40% discount from its daily market price. GAu is pegged to Gold, with each GAu token equivalent in value to 1 gram of Gold, currently valued around $60. Minimum pre-ICO purchase of GAu amount is $50 USD.

Phase 1

Nov 11 thru Nov 18, the pre-ICO discount is 40%.

Phase 2

Nov 19 thru Nov 30, the pre-ICO discount is 20%.

Phase 3

Dec 1 thru Dec 22, the pre-ICO discount is 10%.


Dec 22 marks the official ICO date, so after this date we will not be offering additional discounts from the GAu market price.

DeFi assets have been quietly moving onto the crypto scene since roughly 2015 and reached a fever pitch in the second half of 2020. Total value of DeFi assets skyrocketed from $687 million at the start of 2020 to over $18 billion at the start of 2021.